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Check out our extensive catalogue!
We have tons of items to choose from!


Want to know more?
Let us walk you through the process!


The Breakdown:

There are two main factors that determine your price. The garment and what is being printed on it!


The cost of the print has two factors; The number of colors in the design, and the number of pieces you're having printed. Refer to the price chart (below) for our current rates. If you're not sure, send us your logo and we'll let you know! Sometimes, screen printing isn’t the best print method for your design. If that is the case, we will often suggest digital printing which we also do in house! Just ask for a quote and our experts will recommend the best method for the best price!


Stoke Screen Printing has an extensive catalogue. The minimum order is 10 items and you are free to mix and match different apparel types, as long as the printing is the same. We offer everything from budget friendly brands to high end fashion brands. Of course, each different item is priced differently so let us know what you’re looking for and we will recommend the best product for you.


The more shirts you order, the better the price we can offer you! We offer price breaks on screen printing at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1000+ pieces.


Our standard turn-around time is approximately two weeks or ten business days. Need it faster? Ask about our rush order service!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there a minimum order?
Yes, our minimum order for screen printing is 10 items. All 10 items must have the same imprint.
What kind of garment options do you have?
Stoke Screen Printing has an extensive catalogue filled with endless options for apparel. You’re able to mix and match some garments within your order as long as you have a minimum of ten pieces with the same imprint.
How is the pricing structured?
The cost per item has three main factors; The cost of the garment, the number of colors in the print, and the number of pieces you’re having printed. Refer to the chart below for printing prices. For garment prices, please let us know, in your quote request, which items you are interested in and we will find you the best price we can!
Do you offer price breaks?
The more shirts you order, the better the print price we can offer you! We offer price breaks on printing at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 1000 pieces.
Can I supply my own garments?
We’re happy to print onto customer-provided garments but it may affect the final price. Often times, when printing on customer-provided garments we encounter extra difficulties and this can end up taking more time to set up and print the job. These delays can result in extra fees but don’t worry! We’ll let you know ahead of time!
What is an Underbase?
When printing onto dark garments we often have to print a base coat of white ink to make bright colours pop or even just to achieve a nice bright white. This requires using a bit more ink and setting up an extra screen. Don’t worry, there is no extra charge for this service!
Why do I have per colour?
To achieve a multi-colored print we have to create a different stencil(screen) for each color. Each color must be lined up perfectly so it falls into place as we print your image. Each additional screen requires time and supplies, so multi-colored images are subject to additional print costs.
Are there any hidden fees?
There are no hidden fees! We do not charge any set up fees and any additional costs will be presented in the estimate for approval before processing the order.
What file type do I need to send you?
Our preferred file format is vector. These files are commonly saved with the extensions ai (Adobe Illustrator), eps, svg, or pdf. If you do not have access to these file formats please send a high resolution png with a transparent background (resolution of at least 300 dpi/ppi) or a photoshop file and we will do our best to make it work.

If you are not able to access a better resolution file we do have graphic design services at a cost of $45/hour.
Do you offer rush orders?
For a small shop, we can sure get busy! Orders are usually completed within two weeks from the time a deposit is made and the details of the order are confirmed. If you need your prints sooner than that we can most likely accommodate you but there may be a rush order fee involved.
Do specialty inks cost more?
Specialty inks like metallic gold and silver are simply more expensive and therefore result in a slightly increased print cost.
Do you offer ink colour changes?
Lots of customers like to switch up the colour of their print to add some variety to their order. eg. Black shirts with white text and white shirts with black text. Cleaning the ink off of our screens and squeegees is a time-consuming process which is why there is a $10 fee for every ink change. We also ask that you order at least 5 prints per ink colour.

Screen Printing Price Chart

How Many Colours Are In Your Image?

1 Colour

2 Colours

3 Colours

4 Colours

5 Colours

6 Colours

7 Colours























































Pricing Table Plugin
  • These prices do not include the cost of the garment.
  • These prices are per print.  For example, if you need a print on the front and another print on the back, there would be 2 print fees.
  • The quantity price-breaks are per design. That means in order to hit a certain price-break, all of those items must have the same imprint.


We'll get back to you with a mockup and estimate within 1 business day!

Quote Request Form

Fill out this form to request a quote for custom printed apparel. We'll get back to you with a quote and mockup shortly!
Our minimum order for screen printing is 10 items. If you choose less than 10, you will be prompted to visit our small order department.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Logos, photos, drawings, etc. that will be included in the printing